A dog may develop a fear-based response toward people or other animals for a number of reasons, including inadequate socialization, emotional trauma, genetic predisposition, or an underlying medical condition. Dogs indicate fear by using postures such as stiffening, cowering, or moving away. If the trigger remains too close for comfort, a fearful dog can exhibit an aggressive response such as a growl or snap. Dogs that experience intense fear benefit from professional intervention.
Fear can be a normal response to a threat, but it can also be maladaptive, contributing to emotional and physical distress. Anxiety is the anticipation of fear and can contribute to chronic stress and behavioral illness. Phobias are intense fear responses to relatively benign triggers. Behavior modification and, in some cases, medications may be used to treat fear, anxiety, and phobias in dogs and cats.
A fecal Baermann is a special fecal test used to diagnose infection by parasites that pass larvae in stool instead of eggs. A small golf-ball sized sample of fresh stool is mixed with warm water to encourage larvae to separate from the fecal material to allow identification. The most common parasite diagnosed with a fecal Baermann is lungworm, which typically causes signs of coughing.
A fecal flotation is a screening test for internal parasites. It is performed by mixing a small sample of stool with a special solution that causes any parasite eggs to float to the surface of the solution. Young pets need multiple fecal flotations to screen for infection, while adults may only need a fecal screening once yearly unless they are at higher risk of infection.
A fecal occult blood test screens for the presence of hemoglobin (a component of red blood cells) in a fecal sample. Many conditions can cause blood to appear in the stool including intestinal ulceration, neoplasia, dental disease, and parasites.
Fechavirus is a type of parvovirus. It is a newly discovered gastrointestinal virus identified in cats in 2018. The significance of fechavirus in pet cats is unknown at this point. The most common signs associated with fechavirus are diarrhea and vomiting. If your veterinarian suspects fechavirus, your cat will receive supportive care to control clinical signs and prevent dehydration.
Cat food has been made so palatable that it can easily create gluttonous behavior. Meal feeding and portion control are important to prevent obesity. Owners should not give in to begging behavior. Cats that are still hungry after their meal can be supplemented with snacks such as green vegetables recommended by your veterinarian. Cats that eat too quickly can be fed creatively to slow down eating.
Dog food has been made so palatable that it can easily create gluttonous behavior. Meal feeding and portion control are important to prevent obesity. Owners should not give in to begging behavior. Dogs that are still hungry after their meal can be supplemented with snacks such as green vegetables recommended by your veterinarian. Dogs that eat too quickly can be fed creatively to slow down eating.
Turtles are omnivorous, eating both animal protein and vegetable matter. It is important to offer a variety of food to stimulate the turtle to eat and provide nutritional balance. This article discusses how and when to feed your aquatic turtle, recommended foods, supplements, and water requirements for optimal nutrition.
Box turtles are omnivorous. Generally, your box turtle's diet should be about 50% plant-based material and 50% animal-based material, but be sure to discuss a specific diet plan for your turtle with your veterinarian. Most young turtles eat daily, while older turtles can be fed either daily or every other day. This article discusses the best foods for your turtle, supplements, water, and light requirements for optimal nutrition.